I’ve been doing quite a bit of messing around with text rendering on Linux recently. I’ve got a lovely setup which looks absolutely wonderful. It puts the font rendering on Windows to shame. Interestingly, there is quite a performance difference between my laptop and my desktop, when using identical setups. Using gtkperf, the laptop takes […]
End of an Era
My old cat is no more. He stayed out one night late last year, then got picked up by a coyote. RIP Junior / Snowball / Petya / Farm on a Bun
Bringing in the new year
Well, 2007 was a good year for me. I did lots of things. Some were better than others, some really sucked, but overall, I’m happy with it. I’ll try to make 2008 even better. (And I have some things in mind for that :-D) I started off 2008 pretty badly, though. Instead of getting sick […]
Ruby On Rails
Over the past week, I’ve spent quite a bit of time working on a project for school. It was supposed to be an inventory / rental / customer management system for a video store, complete with changeable rental policies, bonus policies, rental limits, and the like. Quite a large project, especially for one towards the […]
Musings About Cell Phones
I realized the other night, when I got a call on my cell phone long after I had gone to bed, that despite the fact that having bright blue lights everywhere in your cell phone may look cool, it is no good for the eyes. Blue light is very close to the top of the […]