descriptionCS356 Project #1 -- Elevator Simulator
ownerIra Snyder
last changeThu, 18 Oct 2007 15:54:25 +0000 (08:54 -0700)
2007-10-18 Ira W. SnyderBUGFIX: Elevators did not handle Requests in the correc... master
2007-10-16 Ira W. SnyderThreshold code was wrong
2007-10-16 Ira W. SnyderAdd the feature so you can press Enter and accept the...
2007-10-13 Ira W. SnyderAdd the hacks to fix disabling of buttons
2007-10-11 Ira W. SnyderAdd Dev-C++ IDE buildfiles
2007-10-11 Ira W. SnyderAdd second algorithm to the ElevatorController's dispat...
2007-10-11 Ira W. SnyderAdd load-measuring to Elevator
2007-10-11 Ira W. SnyderGUI-ize the Floor and Elevator entry
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderMove the PositionLabels to above the panels
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderGet the Play/Pause and Quit buttons working nicely
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderFix ElevatorGUI's Gtk::Table
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderAdd spacing to the GUI
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderMake PositionLabels have direction status indicators
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderRemove Debug Code
2007-10-09 Ira W. SnyderAdd TODO list
2007-10-08 Ira W. SnyderMake Elevator idleness depend on number of stops
16 years ago master